Thursday, January 22, 2009

freezer bags

XXX: do you use freezer bags

me: for what

XXX: you know freezing stuff

me: not usually

i have a bag in the freezer of dead bananas

that are peeled and ready for smoothies or baking

but everything else i usually just use tuperware i guess

like for enchilada sauce or something

XXX: hm

oh you dont get chicken and stuff


me: yea

i think if i did, i would use them though

XXX: k

i should get some off of amazon

me: wtf

go to target

XXX: nah that involves going all the way across town


me: get other stuff there

XXX: nah

me: youre crazy

get it at safeway

XXX: i bet theyre cheaper on amazon

me: what if theyre not

XXX: why would they not be

me: sales

XXX: not in the big boxes like amazon

amazon is like costco

me: why do you need big boxes

if you dont even own them now

XXX: so i dont have to buy them again

because theyre not reusable

are they

me: i know people who reuse them

just wash them and let them dry inside out

XXX: even with chicken

sounds dangerous

me: i dont know

i think they reuse them for fruits and herbs

things like that

XXX: that makes more sense

me: k

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