Thursday, January 22, 2009


xxxx: cooking is pretty easy

i just dont like bringing my food all the way to the front room

you know

me: wut

xxxx: i dont like bringing food and drinks and stuff from the kitchen to the front room

me: why

xxxx: cus

its a pain

me: no its not

xxxx: cus then i have to bring it all the way back

and im a baby

leave me alone

me: are you trying to blow my mind

xxxx: how far do you walk to eat

me: well i'll probably walk for about 10m round trip to lunch

xxxx: wtf

no in your house

me: you've seen my house

i eat on the couch

xxxx: k so you dont walk as far as me

id rather eat at a table

i guess i could

me: isnt it the same distance

xxxx: yeah

i mean closer

me: youre blowing my mind

how are you so lazy

xxxx: i dunno it just kills the ease of it all

i like things streamlined

me: hm

so cookings easy, eh

xxxx: yeah

just streamline it

me: streamline cooking?

xxxx: yeah

me: how

xxxx: i dunno just do everything really procedurally

i mean thats what the recipe is for

dont let things get out of hand

do the dishes as they come up

me: right

xxxx: the only thing i cant wrap my head around is the groceries

because i dont want to buy too much and then have them sitting around

and at the same time i dont want to go to the store

i hate the store

me: so plan ahead

plan 3 meals a week

and buy those ingredients

cook something first that is most time sensitive

xxxx: but at the same time i dont like to plan that far ahead

because what if people are like oh lets go out to eat tonight

me: thats what refirdgerators are for

xxxx: then thing sit there forevverrrr

me: NO

they sit there til the next day

xxxx: then what if someone else is like oh lets go out to eat tonight

me: then you say no

i have food at home

xxxx: hm

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